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Featured Projects

Mint Condition A Creative Company Aspen, CO Logo
Surfboard shaper Byro By
UX Audit & Design
Paid Media Strategy
SEO Audit

Heart of Glass

Mint Condition, a creative company based in Aspen, Colorado, presents a collaborative project with Byron Bay shaper titled 'Heart Of Glass'.
Mint Condition A Creative Company Aspen, CO work with surfboard shaper Heart of Glass Byron Bay
Image by Annie Spratt
Mint Condition, a creative company based in Aspen, Colorado, presents a collaborative project with Create Flow Breathwork, featuring their breathwork retreat workbook design.
Mint Condition, a creative company based in Aspen, Colorado, presents a collaborative project with Create Flow Breathwork, featuring their website redesign.
Website Design
Marketing Strategy

Create Flow

Graphic Design
Brand Identity
Mint Condition, a creative company based in Aspen, Colorado, presents a collaborative project with Street Eats & Beats Laneway Festival, for their inaugural event featuring their street food inspired website design and SEO.
Website Design

Street Eats 
& Beats

Image by Jade Stephens
Website Design

The Mindful

Graphic Design
New Moon
Mint Condition, a creative company based in Aspen, Colorado, is excited to showcase a collaborative project with Sleepy Baby Consulting. This joint effort revolves around exceptional graphic and web design, tailored to enhance Sleepy Baby Consulting's digital presence and visual identity.
Mint Condition, a creative company based in Aspen, Colorado, is delighted to present a collaborative project with Sleepy Baby Consulting. This partnership revolves around expert content creation and the formulation of an effective social media strategy, aimed at promoting Sleepy Baby Consulting's valuable services and ensuring meaningful engagement with their audience.
Website Design
Marketing Strategy

Sleepy Baby

Graphic Design
Brand Identity
Mint Condition, a creative company based in Aspen, Colorado, proudly presents a collaborative project with Immune House. Together, we've crafted a unique and compelling logo, as well as a comprehensive brand identity that perfectly encapsulates the essence of Immune House and its vision.
Our partnership with Immune House encompassed  top-tier SEO integration.
Website Design

Immune House

Brand Identity
Screen Shot 2023-07-17 at 3.38_edited.jpg
Mint Condition, a creative company based in Aspen, Colorado, is delighted to present our successful collaboration with The Noosa Junction Association. Our joint venture centered on innovative social media content creation, igniting vibrancy within Noosa Junction. Through engaging content and strategic storytelling, we've elevated the community's online presence and fostered a closer connection with locals and visitors alike.
Mint Condition, a creative company based in Aspen, Colorado, is thrilled to showcase our collaboration with The Noosa Junction Association. Our joint effort focused on crafting an effective marketing strategy that has breathed new life into the heart of Noosa Junction. By revitalizing the local area through thoughtful marketing initiatives, our partnership has fostered growth and community engagement.
Content Creation
Marketing Strategy

Noosa Junction Association

Graphic Design
Logo Development
Donut in Glass
Interior Design
Marketing Strategy

Shadyside Lounge

Graphic Design
Brand Identity
Creative Direction
Concept Creation
Mint Condition, an Aspen-based creative company, is thrilled to unveil our collaborative journey with Shadyside Lounge. This project was a multi-faceted endeavor, encompassing the realms of interior design, marketing strategy, and creative direction. Our goal was to revamp the lounge into a contemporary yet welcoming haven, ensuring it resonates with both locals and visitors. Our comprehensive approach breathed new life into Shadyside Lounge, both aesthetically and strategically, positioning it as a beloved neighborhood gem with widespread appeal.

At Mint Condition, we're not just a design studio; we're the architects of experience, the storytellers of brands, and the partners in your journey to success. With a distinctive fusion of design expertise and marketing strategy, we create not just effective solutions but experiences that resonate. From captivating branding kits to envisioning the interiors that breathe life into your spaces, we're your one-stop haven for all things creative and marketing.

Mint Condition is for those driving innovation and chasing dreams. We get the demands of business—your time is too valuable for design and marketing hassles. Explore how we deliver top-tier professionalism, style, and innovation to SMEs, crafted specifically for your needs. It's our commitment to transparency, communication, and collaboration that makes us the trusted partner in your creative journey. With a background rooted in design and marketing, Mint Condition is more than a studio; it's an embodiment of our passion for bringing people, brands, and experiences together. 

As we believe, all the best things are in Mint Condition.

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